I used to be one of those people who bounded out of bed and rushed to grab coffee. "Why make my bed? I'm just going to sleep in it later," was my response.
Of course, there are several reasons to make your bed:
1) It's part of a ritual that makes you mindful
2) The bed will be more welcoming when you go back the following evening
3) If someone should stop by, you don't need to be embarrassed that your bed is unmade.
Same holds true for your business. If you're rushing around trying to get sales a couple days before a campaign ends, that's because you haven't "made your bed." Here's why you should "Make Your Avon Bed" every day:
1) Making sales every day is part of a ritual and makes you mindful of your business
2) Your business will be more enjoyable and you'll be less stressed when you close your eyes at night.
3) You won't have to worry about being judged by your UL when campaign closing day comes.
So - put on a fresh face and make your bed!
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