I send an email to my customers on my closing date and I let them know that I will be handing out orders from my house. Here's a sample email:
"Dear Penny,
Thank you for your Avon Order! I know you're going to love your products.
Your total is $40.34. You can pay with cash, credit card or a personal check.
I'm going to be home on Monday evening from 6pm to 9pm bagging up orders and passing them out to anyone who stops by. I'm making some chocolate chip cookies, too! If you're free, why not stop by to pick up your order and grab a few cookies. It will be great to catch up with you, and if you have any questions about the items you ordered, I can help you out.
Let me know if you'll be free to stop by,
Stay Beautiful,
When Penny stops by, she'll pick up her order, I'll entice her with cookies, I'll show her the newest catalog with the great deals and maybe get a new order. I'll also have products out that she can sample and maybe even have a "cash and carry" area available where she can make an "on the spot" purchase.